Woah! Getting the shout out in the heart of this excellent article was thrilling, and definitely a boost to my dopamine levels! A friend of mine, who is a self-taught expert on oxytocin and PTSD says this is an important rabbit hole to go down, as one role of oxytocin is in forgetting - e.g. the oxytocin rush of having baby next to a mothers skin after the birth plays a role in forgetting the trauma and pain of the birth. The oxytocin circuits are regulated by the endocannabinoid system, which, according to the article https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/the-endocannabinoid-system-essential-and-mysterious-202108112569 also has this role: "The role that the ECS plays in forgetting also opens up opportunities for the treatment of PTSD, a condition in which there are unpleasant, intrusive memories that people can’t help but remember, and that cause a whole syndrome of troublesome and dangerous symptoms related to the pathological remembering." - so the more oxytocin you can stimulate perhaps the better.

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I'm glad you are taking care of yourself. I hope you get filled up with rest and inspiration!

"The good news is, we can train our brains to hear and become aware of more of the positive stuff while still holding space for the negative undertones that do, unfortunately, color our actual reality."

I love the word undertones, especially as I'm diving more deeply into watercolor painting again. Holding space for the undertones is allowing and allowing in my experience is the first step in setting us free from the binds of our issues.

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Adrian Purchas

Wow, you hit the mail on the head again! I so appreciate your weekly writing because it’s a good reminder that I’m normal. I found myself nodding my head and saying yes, yes, yes! Thanks again Adrian!

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